Thursday, July 18, 2013

Over the heat

I'm going to put on my grumpy pants because I am a little irritated. So the midwest is going through a heat wave right now. I have been reading all the complaints on Facebook, so then I checked the weather. It's in the 90's there. Newsflash! It's July and 90 degrees doesn't sound that uncommon. Last year when we moved from Lexington, it was over 100 degrees (July 7).

Just double-checked that at 

I actually laughed when someone complained that their bedroom was 80 degrees. That's what we keep our house at, and that's luxurious for the summer. Most people here bump it up to 82 or 84 degrees. 

Now I bet you are thinking, "But it's a dry heat in Arizona." So does everyone. And I am here to tear down that little argument. It is a different heat here, with low humidity. BUT it's still hotter than hell most days. And I would take humidity any day over feeling confined to the indoors. 

Every summer for the past four summers, I have spent my time riding my bike. BG or Lexington, I would jet off in the afternoon or evening to catch a nice long bike ride. If it was hot, I would leave in the evening around 7 p.m. and ride back home just before the sun completely set. (Except that one time in Lexington where I ended up way too far away and had to call John to rescue me from Nicholasville because it was dark. Whoops.) I loved having time in the summer to actually ride without schoolwork to get in the way.

So I wanted to keep riding when we moved to Arizona. HA! I tried one afternoon and the handicap of riding in such intense heat sent me home within 20 minutes. So I did not ride my bike last summer. I started up in the fall (October), but with work and the early sunsets, it was hard to even get an hour of riding in. There were some days (when I would plan out waking out a little early) that I would strap my bike to the car and bring a change of clothes to set out right after work. So I could somewhat get my riding in during the school year, but it usually ended up as a weekend thing. 

Hence why I love riding in the summer. If I only ride one day a week, my muscles are adjusting every week. They ache the next day, then get five to six days to forget about that pesky workout. And it's the same thing all over again. When I ride almost every day, my muscles just get stronger. My butt forgets about hurting the next day, and my legs are fine. 

This city is perfect for early birds. The sun rises early, and that's the time when it is the coolest. I have tried getting up early to ride this summer. The one day I actually got myself up and ready to go by 6 a.m., I had a slow and lethargic ride. I am not a morning person. I take my mornings easy, and get most of the work done in the afternoon and evening. I absolutely hate working out in the morning. I don't want breakfast because it's so early, but I need energy, so I scarf down a granola bar only to feel sick for the beginning of the workout. 

If I want to ride in the summer, I need to be riding by 5 or 5:30 and back by 7:30. That's the only way to avoid it getting too hot. If I try to do anything in the yard during the day, I am dripping in sweat after 5 minutes. Any yard work is broken into manageable chunks followed by the coldest shower or jumping in the pool. And by this point in the summer, the pool's not even that refreshing. The temperature of the water is anywhere from 88-93. Most days I don't even want to deal with it. I stay inside, or go run my errands. I am feeling cabin fever during the summer. That isn't supposed to happen! 

So before anyone else opens their mouth about the humidity, know this. I would take the humidity any day over this. I could ride my bike in the humidity. I can't do it in this pure heat, not with only one water bottle. I am fed up with this heat and people belittling the brutality of it. Come and see what it's like to walk outside into an oven. 

Okay, I just had to rant. I am over the heat and we still have at least two months of it. At least the high temperatures for this weekend are in the 90's, but with a high chance of thunderstorms. Screw it, I might go riding in the rain. 

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