Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What Facebook means to me

I had been mulling over a blog post about my thoughts on social media – that I thoroughly enjoy the last connection I have to most people who once played an important part in my life. I have often contemplated these thoughts: I might still hang out with certain people if we lived in the same area code, or I may never see so-and-so in person ever again, or what would my life be like if I remained within driving distance to these acquaintances. It's a slippery slope to fully delve into these thoughts, so I trudge forward with caution.

Don’t get me wrong. I am loving my life here in Arizona, but it came with a fair amount of sacrifices. And sometimes, I get sad and sift through old high school and college photographs. Sometimes, I get angry at the people that post pictures hanging out with their high school bff still. I have to ignore the social get togethers I can’t be a part of.

And sometimes, like this week, I can feel an outpouring of love from people afar. I received a heartfelt comment on here from a grade school classmate, 150+ views on the blog in two days, and some Facebook activity that makes me smile. A big part of me will always remain connected to Ohio. That wouldn’t happen if I couldn’t connect to these people online. I love seeing the marriages, pregnancies, vacations, and life events of the kids I knew growing up. I love seeing the perseverance and pursuit of dreams. You probably don’t know that I sift through your pictures and think back to a Girl Scout meeting from fourth grade. You probably don’t know that I giggle about having a crush on you that you never knew about as I see pictures of you and you girlfriend. My closest friends are starred and I am notified if they so much as hiccup and post it on Facebook. I crave this connection. I am not ready to give up these ties to my old self, at ten, sixteen, twenty-one.

I would lose so much if I were to turn my nose up at social media sites. I have been feeling somewhat lost, little, and disposable online lately as I am trying to maneuver this Etsy store. I feel like I’ve been waving my arms and sending up flares for weeks with no one even so much as batting an eye. It fills me with hope that people I know will follow my links, come here and poke around. It can be a little scary and disheartening at times to put yourself out there. But I’m glad I’m not alone on this cyber journey.

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