Monday, August 5, 2013

Made my Third Sale Today!

This past week and upcoming week have been and will be extremely busy. I am preparing to enter into an eighth grade classroom and convince 90+ students that I know what I'm doing when it comes to teaching ELA. This has involved orientations and meetings at the District Office last week to learn about their goals for the district and how excited they are to mentor us new teachers. At times, it felt a little too close to a sorority recruitment mashed up with the most b.s. education class you had in college. Other times, there was so much information thrown at us I could barely stay afloat (i.e., benefits and insurance). This week will be meetings at the school, along with the make-or-break Meet the Teacher night on Thursday. Bring it on (I suppose).

I have been trying to juggle all this new information with actually figuring out what I am going to do in the classroom. Middle school is different from high school because it is not at all content based. I don't have to teach American Lit. to juniors or Shakespeare to freshmen. That's not how middle school works. I can use whatever my little heart desires to teach the skills necessary. Freedom? Yes. Daunting to a first-year teacher? Absolutely.

So it came as a bit of a shock to me when I checked my email at lunchtime today to see I had a pending sale from Etsy. It was the black jewelry frame - the same frame I have in my bathroom for my earrings. I do love this frame. The last thing I had really done with Etsy was the last sale I had made.

Speaking of.

The last sale was a learning experience. I guess we can call it that. I packaged it up very thoroughly since the incident of trying to send a frame to Marjory. It did not go well. So I thought for sure this would work. Well, the corner of the PLASTIC frame chipped. The glass was fine. The plastic broke. Yep, that makes sense.

So, I had to pay double shipping costs to mail a replacement frame, which essentially ate up my profit for that sale. Fortunately, the second frame did not break. Still, the whole experience made me wary of including these frames on the store. If they are this much trouble to ship, it may not be worth it. 

I haven't done much of anything on Etsy since then. I have tracked the views each day, but little else. 

I have no idea where this sale came from today. It doesn't really surprise me that this item sold. The picture frame jewelry holders have been the most popular items on Pinterest. In fact, I had already packaged it up, reusing the box from our weedwacker. 

After I saw the sale, I realized that the shipping on this item did not get changed. I thought both of the jewelry frames had the same shipping costs listed. I had guesstimated $7, but after weighing, it came closer to $11. The other frame was changed, but not this one. It's not a huge difference, but I am definitely going to go through and check the actual shipping costs on my items now. 

The package was wrapped in kraft paper (it gives it such a nice look) and the label was printed. On the last package, I had doodled the two states, and I liked that idea. I think it will be my "thing." On this note, Maine is a hard state to draw. I had to pull out a pencil and sketch first before attempting in marker. Arizona is not so bad. I think I would even be fine drawing Ohio freehand since I've been surrounded by that one for so long. I decided I do not care about state scale. 

Hopefully this one arrives with no bumps or bruises! 

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